Whilst it's very early days, many of us take these quieter times post-Christmas to plan, plan again and then do a bit more planning just for luck! As a good friend of mine advocates, there's nothing like the 6 P's to ensure that everything (within reason) performs to the game plan - for the uninitiated the 6P's refers to Proper Planning Prevents Pitifully Poor Performance. If signage is on your plan for 2017, we'd welcome the chance to help with your master plan and formulate a project plan.
Here's another thought for 2017 related to signage, and everything in life. A wise colleague of mine is always banging on about being valuable. And quite rightly so... it is critical that we always bring value to a relationship or proposition. And so my question to you is, how will you be valuable this year? What value will you add to the client's objectives? Or their next signage strategy? Or to achieving an amazing finished product?