Our team is well experienced with a capacity to delivery nationwide digital car parking projects.
The service goes beyond design and installation, with a servicing and maintenance crew available across Australia for remote and site works. We provide not just the digital screen technology but also design, manufacture and install the steel structures the signs are attached to including engineering and all associated local body and Main Roads permit requirements.
Read more in our detailed Case Study here.

We provide traffic & parking systems for companies both large and small.
For the Concert Hall car park the new entry digital signs clearly display the bays available at the entry.
These single sided P10 LED outdoor screens replaced outdated technology. As part of our thorough robust solution, we supplied a thermostatically controlled IT Cabinet to ensure full operational effectiveness of the control equipment at all times so the control equipment is not affected by the weather elements of heat, dust, water.
LED car park signage in the future can also utilise the technology for safety messaging eg. ‘Don’t drink & drive’, product advertising, promotions, weather updates, traffic reports or security messages ‘Is your car locked?’ At Airports where bus shuttle systems required to take travellers to their terminal digital car park signs could show shuttle timetables, for example.
Updated parking rate cards and prices can be displayed on entry and locations of pay machines are other ways in which the digital technology can be employed to provide a better parking experience – good communication is key as we know from the ‘must haves’ outlined at the start!
If you’re looking for a dynamic digital signage solution that enhances drivers car parking experience talk to us today.
Contact Tim at +61 8 9274 5151 or email [email protected]