The client required that the signage could display multiple projects, so S&L Digital Signage created a custom solution featuring fourteen 84” commercial (24/7 use capability) touchscreens, enabling the client to display fourteen projects all at the same time. Or on occasion when a new project is launched, the displays are able to display one project across all fourteen screens.
Not only can the screens function as an advertising tool, but the onboard android operating system turns the screens into an amazing meeting tool, enabling the users to write notes on screen.
The custom built display, designed and manufactured by S&L Digital Signage, was created so that only the screens are visible to the user.
S&L Digital Signage also created the digital content and are contracted to manage ongoing content.
Blackburne Property Group was delighted with the result and the installation has led to numerous referrals for S&L Digital Signage.
For more information contact Tim Webb, S&L Digital Signage Consultant, on 0407 775 031 or email [email protected]

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