Five soups fought it out during a needle contest in the lunchroom, with over a dozen tasters from across the business scoring their favourite for taste, texture and wow factor! With proper scoring forms and ballot box, there was much tension in the air amongst competing wannabbbee-chefs. It was a very close call between first and second, but in the end Robyn nudged out Paul to take the victory with an amazing 'Nanna's Chicken & Vegetable' recipe (see pic above).
Robyn now gets to choose the next month's theme and has her name on the board for the overall annual title (prize yet to be decided). She also gets to choose the theme for our next cook-off (she's currently talking about a fish dish - but you have to catch the fish you cook!!!). Thankfully sense has prevailed and the confirmed dish will be THAI – so watch out for the next "S&L MASTER CHEF" instalment in early August.