The Australian Fine China redevelopment is a cleverly designed community space located on a 4.4 hectare site in Subiaco which, according to the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority, ‘provides more than 3700sqm of attractive, urban and green space that will foster community meetings and other community-based activities’...
"Yes, that's all very interesting," I hear you thinking, "but what has any of this got to do with signage?"
Well, Signs & Lines had previously won a contract for the provision of cast bronze plaques for the same project. Having already demonstrated expert knowledge of the various plaque manufacturing processes available in order to tender for the cast bronze plaque work, Signs & Lines was invited to quote for the additional photo etched stainless steel information and pictorial panels which were also to be featured at the site.
MATERIAL: 2mm thickness grade 316 linished finish stainless steel. Type one (pictorial): 740 x 1050mm portrait. Type two (information): 165 x 462mm overall with central 90 degrees bend.
PROCESS: Photo etching.
ABOUT THE PROCESS: Signs & Lines' Account Manager, Jesse French, has extensive experience of photo etching, and explained that the process involves "fitting a mask to the steel onto which a hot chemical, ferric chloride (an alkaline, not an acid) is applied. The chemical literally eats away the exposed areas, and the relief areas are then filled with ink."
Photo etched signage is both attractive and long lasting. Contact Signs & Lines for further advice on the process.