We decided to celebrate our end of financial year with a bit of a cook up as we know many of our team just lurrrvvv to cook. It even bought out a few novices who claimed to have never cooked a curry before - and Rodman proved that you dont need to be an expert with a very worthy 3rd place with his Vindaloo. Robyn's Massaman proved hard to beat and we know that she is always the 'one to beat' with many talents across every cooking style it would seem. Terry's Thai Green Curry received plenty of complements with 2 points, as did JP's Kiwi Dips scoring 4 points. There was a bit of cheating with the scoring when it came to the ample portion of rice supplied by one of our sales guns, but the adjudicator disallowed voting for yourself so the Rice was a 'nil point', as was the Bombay Chicken by yours truly!! Adrian really went above and beyond to supply a very tasty Chicken and Rice Balti but sadly wasn't able to attend the celebration. Dedication to the end!!
We had a few star guests - Toffee & Fudge attended (but didn't eat) as it was 'International Take your Dogs to Work Day'... and Roy's little ones came as chip tasters...
So in the final wrap we all had a great feast, went home with full bellies and a huge thank you to all the team for making it through another financial year.